Teaching overview

Learning points

  • Scientists have created a robotic face that is capable of mirroring human facial expressions.
  • Following years of dry, hot weather, the Western United States is being severely affected by a “megadrought.”
  • Researchers have discovered that elephant trunks can consume food by using suction power.

Curriculum keywords

  • Robots
  • Weather
  • Animals

Video viewing guide

This graphic organizer supports your students to capture their thoughts and questions as they watch the news update.

Access the guide

Spark a discussion

Smiling Robot

  • Why are facial expressions important for human communication?
  • Would you feel comfortable interacting with a robot that can mimic human expressions?
  • Do you think scientists will ever design a robot that will have facial expressions as detailed as those of humans?


  • What impacts did the “Dust Bowl” have on people who were living near the drought at the time?
  • What is causing the current “megadrought” across the Western United States?
  • Alongside planting trees and saving water, what else do you think could lessen the impact of severe droughts?

Elephant Trunks

  • What different tasks do elephants use their trunks for?
  • Elephants can store extra water in their trunks. What other animals can store extra water in their bodies?
  • Elephants are endangered in the wild. Can you think of any methods that could be used to ensure their numbers don’t fall further?

Discover more about the topics covered in this week’s news update

Classroom resources

Use these resources to get the most out of the news update and engage your class in topical science!

Twig Science: A Complete Pre-K–8 Program for the NGSS

Immersive Investigations with High-Quality Multimedia

  • Investigating, designing, building, and understanding phenomena
  • Hands-on, digital, video, and print investigations
  • Synchronous/asynchronous distance learning