Teaching overview

Learning points

  • Burping happens when gas is released from the mouth.
  • Swallowing too much air or drinking carbonated drinks can cause you to burp.
  • Certain animals also burp as a result of digestion.

Curriculum keywords

  • Human body
  • Body systems
  • Waste

Multimedia toolbox

What is burping?

1. Burping is the release of gas from the stomach and out through the mouth!

Swallowed air

2. Burping is caused when you swallow too much air—the stomach swells and expands before the air travels up the esophagus and is released as a burp!

Carbonated drinks

3. Drinking carbonated drinks can make a person burp. The carbon dioxide dissolved in these drinks escapes as a gas from the stomach and causes you to burp!

Excuse you!

4. The current world record for the loudest burp is 109.9 decibels—almost as loud as a chainsaw!

Animal burps

5. Humans aren’t the only ones who burp! Cows burp the gas methane as a result of digesting their diet of grass and corn.

Spark a discussion

  • What causes burps?
  • Why do you think it might be useful to burp?
  • Do you think all animals burp? Why or why not?

Twig Science: A Complete Pre-K–8 Program for the NGSS

Immersive Investigations with High-Quality Multimedia

  • Investigating, designing, building, and understanding phenomena
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