Teaching overview

Learning points

  • Astronauts have to exercise for two hours a day to counter the effects of weightlessness on their bones and muscles.
  • The ISS has three pieces of specially adapted gym equipment: an exercise bike, a treadmill and a machine that simulates weightlifting.
  • This equipment is designed to make up for the lack of gravity on the ISS. For example, the treadmill has a harness that pulls the astronaut towards it.

Curriculum keywords

  • Space
  • Forces
  • Exercise

Spark a discussion

  • Why is it important for astronauts to exercise in space?
  • What effect does weightlessness have on the body?
  • How else might weightlessness affect astronauts' daily lives? Can you think of any activities that would be easier on the ISS than on Earth?

Twig Science: A Complete Pre-K–8 Program for the NGSS

Immersive Investigations with High-Quality Multimedia

  • Investigating, designing, building, and understanding phenomena
  • Hands-on, digital, video, and print investigations
  • Synchronous/asynchronous distance learning